Olivier Blanchard is criticizing the Aggregate Supply-Aggregate Demand model...
"Turning to the supply side, the contraption known as the aggregate demand–aggregate supply model should be eliminated." (link)
Let me show you something good... I am the only one in the world using this model of Effective Demand with Aggregate Supply...
Update: The equation used to obtain the Effective Demand limit curves is the standard equation of my research...
Effective demand limit upon real GDP = rGDP*e*T/L* (1 - (1 - 1/e)*T/L)
rGDP = real GDP
T = capacity utilization * (1 - unemployment rate)
L = effective demand limit function based on labor share.
e = 3
The model for this equation is found at this link.
What you are looking at is all of the effective demand limit curves from 4th quarter 2008 to 4th quarter 2014. That is 6 years of quarterly data. The crisis started at the end of 2008.
Notice how all of the curves point to a zone at a core inflation target zone of 2%. All of the curves fall into a zone from $15.9 to $16.2 trillion (real 2009 $$) at that core inflation target zone. All these curves are pointing to the Long-run Natural state of real GDP, namely Long-run AS.
When real GDP reached $16.1 trillion in the last half of 2014, hitting the heart of that zone marked in the graph, corporate profits peaked and other factors peaked. The effective demand limit curves began to balloon upward. The business cycle peaked. This AS-ED model had seen it coming for 6 years.
Here is how the graph changed when real GDP hit the zone... You can see the effective demand limit curves starting to move out toward a new zone for the next business cycle. That is how it works.
Think about it... The top of the business cycle was seen developing 6 years in advance by this model.
Olivier Blanchard can eliminate the AS-AD model, but nobody touches my AS-ED model...
This model is golden.
Update: The 2nd graph above does not mean that inflation is going up to 8%. The red dots show where the AS and ED curves cross. Those crossing points fall toward the natural limit zone as the AS curves move right in the 1% to 2% inflation horizontal. As real GDP goes by the natural limit, the crossing points move start to move upward like bouncing on the limit zone. Real GDP still moves below near 2% core inflation.
Look at the black horizontal arrow in the 2nd graph that says... "track of real GDP"... that is real GDP moving along near 2%... but the ED limit curve crosses the projected future path of real GDP shown by the black arrow. That crossing point shows us where real GDP will encounter its natural limit.
Update: Effective Demand limit curves use the same equation as in this model for the Effective Consumption Demand curve...
re: update. It doesn't explain for me, I don't understand.
Could say: those inflation levels are what would be required for continued gdp growth???
Posted by: Steve roth | 06/30/2016 at 11:58 AM
Keep in mind that in the first graph, real GDP is moving horizontally right at 2% inflation from $14.5 trillion to $16.1 trillion.
Those high inflation levels vertically above the points where current real GDP and current inflation moved represent space to the limit. The space is inflation space,or spare capacity space.
So as real GDP moves toward the ED limit, that space can be eaten up by prices rises or more capacity for production.
Posted by: Edward Lambert | 06/30/2016 at 04:29 PM